
Military Droneport
The Rwanda Vision 2020 policy document sets the timeframe for the country to have science , technology and innovation capacity as the country was left in ruins after the genocide in 1994. The Rwandan government efforts have rapidly pushed mobile phone and internet coverage across the landlocked nation to enhance communication.
The UN group of Experts claims that the governments of Rwanda and Uganda have provided direct support to the M23 and finally suggested the use of Drones in the East Region of Congo; to improve data collection and intelligence gathering in the peacekeeping campaign against the powerful M23 rebels; monitor; and prevent future rebels' infiltration in the DR Congo. The Rwandan government -which continues to deny their support of M23- systematically opposed the idea by stating that; "this would be a threat to the national sovereignty of states in the region given that drones can cross boarders without being detected"; and " that not enough was known about the technology, and Africa should “not become a laboratory for intelligence devices from overseas.”
Contrary to his refusal, Kagame turns his country to the drones tech and also allows the world's first airport for drones to be built in Rwanda. Subsequently, Rutayisire Eric, a 23-year-old, a graduate of the University of Minnesota launched his tech-company dubbed Charis Unmanned Aerial Solutions; and become the first Rwandan UAV industry to make drones.
by Charis Unmanned Aerial Solutions
- Geopolitical position of Rwanda
- The proximity of Rwanda's UAV industry to the Kivu region
In powering a new trend of military applications such as drones, the high-grade metal tantalum - processed from the precious mineral coltan- is highly required. The proximity to the mineral resources of Kivu is strategic for the establishment of the UAV industry. The west, as well as Rwanda, needs the Congolese coltan for the high tech and Rwanda would likely be one of the biggest world supplier.
- The MAPRO initiative and the Rwandan case test
Drone-obtained images released by the UN shows a village in eastern
Congo in December 2013, shortly after the UN's first drones were
deployed in the region.
The MAPRO initiative (Mass Atrocity Prevention and Response Operations)- which is about saving lives without putting U.S. troops in the middle of foreign quagmires; preventing a future genocide; and placing a watchful eyes on the perpetrators of mass atrocities by recording full-motion video of their crimes - includes the use of drones for humanitarian, surveillance and military intelligence purposes. In fact, the Pentagon choses Rwanda in its program to prevent future genocide.
At least that is the theory, but it is expected that the Rwandan drones will be able to cover Rwanda’s countryside and neighbouring countries, with the pretext of tracking -without sending Inkotanyi RPF on the front- the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) and other "negatives forces" that are concentrated in the darkness of the Congolese jungle.
Member of the FDLR in through dense forest vegetation of North Kivu,
in February 2009
Member of the FDLR in through dense forest vegetation of North Kivu,
in February 2009
- Mining Cargo Drones.
Cargo Drone
Cargo drone Carcccc
It is not a secret that Rwanda's desperate need of Congolese mineral resources- as DR Congo holds an estimated $24 trillion in mineral reserves- is to turn the capital Kigali into a regional hub for investors and multinational companies, and the country into the African Singapore.
The proposal by architecture firm Foster + Partners hopes to see drones with a three-metre (10-foot) wingspan able to carry deliveries weighing up to 20 pounds for now, and up to 220 pounds within the next decade.
The Cargo-drone routes have utility wherever there is a lack of roads, transcending geographical barriers such as mountains, lakes and unnavigable rivers without the need for large-scale physical infrastructure .

Loading of minerals in Walikale in the region of Kivu
The E-Commerce Drones -which is about doing "more with less" by changing the image of looting Congo's mines- will be an alternative to high cost of big logistics such as airplanes, trucks and massive airports.
The use of drones therefore will be crucial for the parcel copter, between Congo and Rwanda, to facilitate the transportation of mineral resources in a system of delivery without borders.
- Kagame's Predator Drones, "the future Rwandan Lethal Tool" (RLT)
MQ-9 Predator B Drone firing a missile
As the U.S. expands its shadow wars in Africa, Rwanda's proxy requirements enhance the U.S.' option to be chosen as the first drones port and the test-country for future drones war in Africa.
Used for political and military purposes and once converted to a killing machines, the Kigali's regime could use the drones for electronic warfare as third generation of war and will secretly turn to the drones base for secret military operation beyond the borders that includes surveillance and targeted killing of opponents inside and outside Rwanda; spying over the region; and controlling the troops movements in DRCONGO, the failed state.
In the light of Kagame's warning to the "enemies of the state"; the predator drones could be used -as alternative to the Traditional Squad of Death- for the elimination of RPF dissidents or DFLR top commanders.
- Software of Virtual Occupation

The geospatial Apple mapping virtually places Goma
In order to maintain the Kivu region as Virtual Economic Zone of Rwanda, according to Herman J. Cohen's plan, and to keep the access to the Kivu's mines, the introduction of proxy-drones -as a new option- is "vital" for the criminal occupation's strategy as drone's tech overthrows the sovereignty of countries and changes the character of war. The Greater Kivu will be kept in the Rwandan Influence Sphere without high military presence in Congo by using the cyber-tech-system and software.
"Armed drones are a threat to the fundamental right to life and principle of human dignity."
Giving such technology to the most bloodiest regime in the world; the Norman Foster Project for drones in Rwanda ignores the million of victims killed in this regional conflict.
With Paul Kagame, "the African Caesar", who is planning to extend his rule beyond 2034 if not for life and knowing that Rwandan genocide was sparked by an anti-aircraft attack; any drone operation will be risky and potentially a threat to the neighbouring countries.
To stop Kagame's hegemony, in the Great Lakes Region, countries must have a strong and dissuasive army that has mastered the Anti Drone Technology.
By Serge Egola Angbakodolo
And Ishiaba Kasonga
Rwanda Vision 2020: https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCgQFjABahUKEwib7M_U19rIAhVDXRoKHV08CSI&url=https%3A%2F%2Frepositories.lib.utexas.edu%2Fbitstream%2Fhandle%2F2152%2F5071%2F4164.pdf%3Fsequence%3D1&usg=AFQjCNE1RaxYnfzzEsukGc1407HK7YJnMw&sig2=Bpc19FXXs1S7a9aKVLMMQg
The use of Drones in the East Region of Congo: http://www.france24.com/en/20150409-un-drones-future-peacekeeping-democratic-republic-congo-fdlr-humanitarian-drc
Opposed: http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/01/09/us-congo-democratic-un-rwanda-idUSBRE90802720130109
Rutayisire Eric: http://www.newtimes.co.rw/section/article/2014-08-15/77635/
Footage of a Drone built in Rwanda
by Charis Unmanned Aerial Solutions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUK882IA8jI
Rwandan Droneport's plan: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-09-30/pilot-project-for-cargo-drones-and-drone-ports-in-rwanda/6816858
Coltan: http://friendsofthecongo.org/pdf/coltan_facts.pdf
MAPRO initiative: http://www.wired.com/2011/02/drones-vs-darfur/
Inkotanyi RPF: http://www.focus.rw/wp/2015/07/08/the-tale-of-two-brave-heroic-rpf-inkotanyi-battalions/
Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democratic_Forces_for_the_Liberation_of_Rwanda
Jonathan Ledgard: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-10-19/airport-for-drones-ferrying-e-commerce-goods-planned-for-Rwanda
The African Singapore: http://foreignpolicy.com/2015/04/02/africas-singapore-dream-rwanda-kagame-lee-kuan-yew/
Proposal by architecture firm Foster + Partners: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-09-30/pilot-project-for-cargo-drones-and-drone-ports-in-rwanda/6816858
E-Commerce Drones: http://www.techtimes.com/articles/97519/20151020/rwanda-plans-airport-e-commerce-drones.htm
Shadow wars in Africa: http://www.wired.com/2012/10/secret-drone-base/
DRCONGO, the failed state: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/georgianne-nienaber/why-the-democratic-republ_b_1676305.html
Enemies of the state: http://www.monitor.co.ug/News/National/Kagame-wants--enemies-of-state--shot-on-sight/-/688334/2340436/-/150k98z/-/index.html
Herman J. Cohen's plan: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/16/opinion/16cohen.html?_r=1&
The sovereignty of countries: https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=g2RwBQAAQBAJ&pg=PA247&lpg=PA247&dq=drones+as+threat+to+the+sovereignty&source=bl&ots=yH3eEFamwi&sig=nmAIQYbDafJHsMspbApXLZlG3Cg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CFIQ6AEwB2oVChMI3oONkO_ayAIVSFcUCh3SFART#v=onepage&q=drones%20as%20threat%20to%20the%20sovereignty&f=false
Changes the character of war: http://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/how-the-predator-drone-changed-the-character-of-war-3794671/?no-ist
Extend his rule beyond 2034: http://uk.reuters.com/article/2015/10/29/uk-rwanda-president-idUKKCN0SN2BL20151029?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews
Anti Drone Technology: http://www.google.co.uk/aclk?sa=L&ai=CffuK5SwuVv7cGYeobOXFm6AB5L7VkAisqe-DkgKvvNvmmQIQASgHYLvOz4PgCsgBAaoEJE_QSjmMzKc0UsVzexQ7agA6Vj9OYsl6EoJESZTDaIpMCqFsIIAH3IPlP4gHAZAHAqgHpr4b2AcB&num=1&sig=AOD64_1HKWbdlG3YqjmpSaokKPFPadAyqQ&clui=0&rct=j&q=&ved=0CFwQ0QxqFQoTCLPJuKSh4MgCFYXWFAodlAkI_Q&adurl=http://d40.ash.rd43.com/adserver/rclick%3Fcp%3D%252Banti%2B%252Bdrone%2B%252Btechnology%26lp%3D%26v%3D1%26cl%3D40%26ml%3D1534519%26sl%3D%26cat%3D3754735%26mt%3D0%26radid%3D3931233%26adId%3D73403691556%26src%3Ds%26e%3D1%26u%3Dhttp://www.srcinc.com/what-we-do/ew/counter-uas.aspx
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